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Institutional |
22 Dec 2023

The Govern presents the Strategy to Promote the Semiconductor Industry in Catalonia

The event was chaired by the Minister of Enterprise and Labor, Roger Torrent i Ramió; the Minister of Economy and Finance, Natàlia Mas Guix, and the Minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal i Farreras. This initiative is promoted by the Semiconductor and Chip Alliance of Catalonia, which is formed by several departments of the Generalitat, companies and research and innovation agents; of which Luis Fonseca, as director of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona, is a member.

Institutional |
15 Dec 2023

The Minister of Research and Universities visits IMB-CNM and highlights its contribution “to position Catalonia among the strategic industries of the 21st century”

Joaquim Nadal, Minister of Research and Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia, meets with the management of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) and visits the scientific facilities located at the UAB. The center deploys cutting-edge research in micro and nano systems applied to advanced technologies, health and environment, energy or mobility, among others.

Institutional |
14 Dec 2023

Three names for one story: IMB-CNM honors three pioneers in microelectronics at the institute

Through an initiative of the IMB-CNM Equality Committee, three of the institute's meeting rooms have been renamed after research and technical personnel of relevance in its history: Tere Osés, Isabel Montero and Juan Fernández. All of them are pioneers in the design of digital circuits, the manufacture of integrated circuits and the development of power systems in Spain.

Institutional |
27 Sep 2023

The CSIC’s Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room achieves ISO9001 quality certification

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC) receives this seal for the processes involved in the design, development and production of microelectronic devices in the Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room. This certification puts it on a par with other European laboratories, such as the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Portugal or the Technical University of Denmark.

Institutional |
30 Jun 2023

Launch of the Semiconductor Alliance with the aim of turning Catalonia into a reference pole of the sector in Europe

The Semiconductor Alliance of Catalonia, with the participation of IMB-CNM, celebrates the act of constitution of the initiative, formed by several departments of the Government of Catalonia, companies and research and innovation agents, which will work together with the aim of consolidating Catalonia as one of the reference poles of the semiconductor industry in Europe.

Institutional |
16 Jun 2023

The Ministry of Science and Innovation reinforces CNM and MICRONANOFABS equipment with the addendum to the Recovery Plan

The Ministry of Science and Innovation will allocate an additional 1,304 million euros from European funds to strengthen R&D&I in strategic sectors such as cutting-edge health, aerospace, microelectronics and semiconductors. 62.5 million are earmarked for the capacities of the National Microelectronics Center and the equipment of the distributed ICTS MICRONANOFABS.

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