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Master's and Undergraduate opportunities

We actively collaborate with universities to nurture new researchers and students.

Master's degree in Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design

With the strategic collaboration of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) of CSIC, the interuniversity master's degree in Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design coordinated by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), with the UB, UAB and URV, offers its first edition in the academic year 2024-25.

This master's degree, which will be launched in September 2024, with an offer of 30 places, 60 ECTS credits and taught in English. Coordinated and managed by the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) of the UPC, it offers a comprehensive education, combining the resources and academic excellence of the participating universities - with years of experience in training and research in semiconductor engineering and microelectronic design - and the participation of the IMB-CNM of the CSIC, the reference center in microelectronic technologies. The program covers a wide range of topics and offers two specialties. The Semiconductor Engineering specialization will train students in the use of microelectronic chip technologies in different areas, such as clean room fabrication, encapsulation, characterization and reliability analysis, as well as the physical understanding of phenomena occurring in current and emerging semiconductor devices. The Microelectronic Design specialty aims to train in the design of integrated, digital and analog microelectronic circuits and systems in advanced technologies.

Students of the master's program will have access to laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology and will be able to participate in innovative research projects. One of these laboratories will be the Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room of the IMB-CNM-CSIC, a 1,500 square meter Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) that will provide students with a unique opportunity to enter the world of microelectronic technologies from a more practical and applied perspective.

Catalonia Quantum Academy

The Catalonia Quantum Academy will help attract & train the next generation of quantum scientists and engineers, strengthening the region's capacity to develop and deploy current & future quantum technologies. The CQA is a collaborative platform under Quantica Mediterranean Valley of Quantum Science and Technologies, established to coordinate efforts to leverage the region’s internationally recognized expertise to strengthen education, training and professional development in Quantum Science and Technology (QST).

Participants are IMB-CNM, ICFO, ICN2, I2CAT, CTTC, BSC-CNS, IFAE, UAB, UPC and UB.

CQA Masters Scholarships 2024

The CQA Master's Scholarships aim to attract outstanding students to pursue studies on an eligible master program in quantum science and technologies at participating universities.

Key dates

  • Call opening: April 2024
  • Call closing: 30 June 2024
  • Selection of candidates: Rolling evaluation at end of each month
  • Start date of fellowships: September 2024

Master's Degree in Quantum Technologies

QTEP’s scientists participate in the master programs of various universities, both in teaching activities as well as supervising research projects. In addition to this, CSIC sponsors the creation of a master on quantum technologies in collaboration with Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo and other 9 leading institutions in Spain.

The Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) together with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and lecturers from several universities have created the Master's degree in Quantum Technologies (60ECTS).

The master is directed and coordinated by María José Calderón (ICMM-CSIC), Diego Frustaglia (Univ. Sevilla) and David Zueco (INMA, CSIC-UNIZAR). It is financially supported by the CSIC Platform on Quantum Technologies, the Spanish Network on Quantum Technologies and the Quantum Spain project.

IMB-CNM is involved in the QTEP platform and participates in the master's.


Opportunities for Master's students

We encourage students with a science or engineering background to consider IMB-CNM as an ideal place for doing their final thesis work (TFM). Through the years, we have welcome students from a broad background in Science and Engineering, such as the masters' of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication, Veterinary, Industrial Chemistry or Food Quality, among others. After the Master, we offer the students the possibility to continue their professional career at IMB-CNM, including starting a PhD. You can check our Open positions now.

Opportunities for Undergraduate students

We encourage students from a Science or Engineering degree to get to know the institute and develop their final thesis dissertation (TFG) with one of our researchers in  facilities. Along the years, we have hosted students from the undergraduate degrees of Physics, Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Nanoscience, among many others. If you have a background in science or engineering, you are welcome to get in touch with us to see if you can develop the next stage of your career here. You can check our Open positions now.

Collaboration with University

We actively collaborate with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in the realization of the Official Master's Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, in which we are involved through the Barcelona Nanotechnology Cluster and many of our researchers act as teachers in some subjects. We also participate in other master and undergraduate studies by hosting students to perform their final thesis work. We have received more than 30 UAB students every year, though we also take in students from Universitat de Barcelona or Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (around 10) each year, as well as from other Catalan and international universities.

This concentration of nanotechnology research institutes and groups at the Bellaterra Campus is one of the strongest in Southern Europe, and has made it possible for the UAB to be officially recognised as a Campus of International Excellence in Nanoscience and Biotechnology.

Scholarship programs

CSIC grants

There are also some CSIC grants to which you can apply if you are in the final stages of your undergraduate degree or already doing a master's. The JAE Intro grants open once a year and they can introduce you to research, with a 5 month stage in any CSIC research institution. You will be appointed a responsible person within our centre and there will be a study plan according to your needs.

Erasmus+ grants

The Erasmus+ program provides aid so that undergraduate, bachelor and master students enrolled in higher education institutions within the countries signed on the program and doctoral students can carry out practical training periods abroad. Newly graduated students can also participate. Thanks to this program, the participants can carry out internships in the CSIC institutes that serve them both for their training and to improve their communication, linguistic and intercultural skills. CSIC researchers publish their expressions of interest to receive European students through where they describe the training plans and research projects available to students.

degree's dissertations (TFG) in 2020
master's dissertations (TFM) in 2020
different undergraduate backgrounds in 2016-2020
CQA Masters Scholarships 2024